Choosing the Ideal Location for Your Business Signs

Deciding on a type of sign (plastic or LED) and the design is only half of the process. In addition to choosing your sign’s configuration, you’ll need to decide where you’re going to place your sign. The placement of your sign can factor into which types of signs will work best, what size sign you’ll need, and what your signage can help you accomplish.

As far as placement options go, the first step is deciding whether you want to use your sign indoors or outdoors. Each location can help you achieve a unique goal when used effectively. To help you choose the ideal place to display your signage, here’s a brief guide to the different placement options for indoor and outdoor signs.

Using Indoor Signs Effectively

Indoor signs can help you get the attention of visitors, consumers, or patients who are near or inside of your establishment. They are available in plastic or LED options, which can be customized to support your specific needs or goals. Many of our customers use their indoor signs to display their menus, advertise specific products or services, or send friendly messages to those inside their building. When placed in a window facing outward, your indoor sign can help you draw consumers in and promote impulse buys.

Placement Ideas for Indoor Signs

Whether you choose plastic or LED signs, you essentially have two basic placement options:

  • In a window, facing the street or walkway
  • On any wall in a prominent location

The most effective location for your business will depend on your overall goals. If you want more consumers walking through the doors, try a window placement. If you want to increase the sales of a specific product or service or improve the atmosphere, a sign on a wall will be your best bet.

Using Outdoor Signs Effectively

Outdoor signs can help you reach people who are driving or walking by your business at any given time. Just like with the indoor signs, there are two basic types of outdoor signs: plastic and LED signs. Both types of signs are effective at telling the public who you are as a brand and what you have of value to offer. While plastic lighted signs let you display a consistent brand to the public, LED signs are extremely eye-catching and let you display a custom message whenever you like.

Placement Ideas for Outdoor Signs

Outdoor signs can be effective on the side of your building, on the roof, at the edge of the parking lot, down the street, and more. When compared to indoor signs, you typically have more options for placement. Depending on your real estate and building structure, you may be able to mount your signs using any of the following methods:

  • Wall Mount
  • Roof Mount
  • Pole Mount
  • Mounted Between Two Poles

Custom Business Signs for Any Industry

Interested in a quote on a custom sign? Ready to learn more about the different types available? Contact us if you have any specific questions or get more information below.