Why Signs Prove To Be More Effective than Flyers

Signs remain one of the most cost effective and beneficial forms of advertising you can have for your business. They can increase revenue and expand your customer base with no effort from you. After purchase, signs are low cost and retain all their benefits until the sign needs to be replaced— usually ten or more years later. Contrastingly, mailing out flyers can get very expensive and has a very low customer conversion rate.  If you still need convincing, here’s all the reasons why signs repeatedly prove to be more effective than direct mail flyers.

Signs Are Long Lasting

Signs are enduring. Either indoor or outdoor, signs last over 10 years with minimal maintenance. In comparison, mailing out flyers lasts only one campaign. Every time you want to try to reach a greater customer base you not only have to buy a mail list but you also have to print the actual flyer and pay for postage. You can’t reuse flyers and you can’t reuse postage, so these campaigns start to add up.

Signs Are Consistent

Successful marketing requires more than one contact. Potential customers need to be reminded again and again about your service before they’ll even call you. Recent studies show that it takes six to eight contacts to generate a viable sales lead. Signs, especially well-designed eye catching ones, can easily do this. If a potential customer drives by your store everyday on their way to work and notices your sign, it is only a matter of time before they need something and visit.

Mailing out flyers does not have this same effect. If not immediately thrown away, direct mail fliers are filed away and subsequently forgotten because the service is not immediately needed. To make contact again you have to send out another round of flyers, racking up expenses for your business.

Signs Are Cost Effective

Purchasing a business sign can get pricey, especially if you want high quality materials and reliable service. However, this is a one time cost. After you’ve purchased your sign and installed it, there are relatively no expenses outside of maintenance. For almost no cost, signs advertise your business 24/7.

Direct mail fliers do not have this benefit. After purchasing names, fliers, and postage, there is no guarantee your flier is ever read and to continue expanding your client base you have to continuously send out more fliers. Direct mail continuously absorbs your advertising budget for minimal results.

Signs Are Environmentally Friendly

Signs create no waste. They sit in your parking lot, on the outside of your business, or even inside on the window without creating any trash that will litter the area around your business. Direct mail fliers produce endless waste. Most direct mail fliers are immediately thrown away or become litter if they don’t make it to the trashcan. After sending out thousands and thousands of direct mail fliers you’ve killed more trees than gained customers. There is no reason to kill trees, buy a business sign instead of using direct mail flyers.

Every Business Can Benefit From A Sign

No matter your business, you can benefit from a sign. Signs are low maintenance advertising solutions, message boards, and communication tools. They don’t require constant attention and don’t add extra work to your plate like direct mail fliers. Signs are constant, long lasting, environmentally friendly, and cost effective marketing tools for your business. If you still don’t believe us, we’ve conducted case studies and gathered testimonials that prove just this.