First impressions matter.  Especially to your business.

I remember a very powerful article written by Maurilio Amorim called “The Power of the First Impression” that spoke about different, physical aspects of a church that can either draw people in or scare them off.  One of the most important elements he spoke about was the church’s signage.  He said, “When was the last time you took a good look at your sign?  What does it say about you?  I know of several churches that have a dynamic worship style with contemporary music but the sign out front says “old and uninspired.”  Needless to say, the church had been turning people away because it had the wrong sign and image.”

The same can be said about your business signage.

What does your signage say about your business?  Is it attractive and communicates your brand and business well?  Or is it old, run-down, and leaves a negative impression about your business?

When people pass by your business, they have seconds to process what they see and make a decision about whether they want to do business with you or not.  Old signs that are faded, unattractive, or have just words on them will chase away customers more than they will bring them in.  Amorim says, “Signage can do more than just guide.  Done well, it can help define your brand and create a sense of excitement and expectation.”

“Details matter.  The first impression is powerful.  You can either enhance a good first impression or spend a lot of energy trying to overcome a bad one.”

Do yourself and your business a favor.  Create a first impression so positive and powerful that all those going by can’t help but think to themselves, “Wow!  Now THAT’S a business I want to visit.”